Monday, January 24, 2011

Jalan-Jalan Cari Makan: Nigerian's Meal

Do you think that we are lucky of being part of IIUM community?  We can mix with expatriates, knowing their culture and Jalan-Jalan Cari Makan at their home. Last Fri, my Nigerian colleague invited me to dinner at his home. The dishes were prepared by himself...1st thing that he introduced me to Garri He told me that Garri can be eaten without cooking.

Menu for the dinner was Poundo Yam. It is imported from Nigeria..Don't believe? Look at the photos below.

Poundo Yam looks like our Tepung Gandum or White Flour..So simple to cook it, just mix with some water. Less than 10 minutes, we can serve the Yam.

It is also can be found in UK, and a few other countries including Canada. 

Finally, the Yam was ready...Yam can replace Rice

For "lauk", he cooked Beef with Ground Nuts Sauce..This one, you need to ask him how to cook it.
Looks like Curry..

This was our dinner menu served by Chef Dr. Ahmed, Poundo Yam with Beef GroundNuts Sauce..Very lovely food..Thank you so much for the meal.


  1. im wondering how the taste will be like.

    Great to have that experience.

  2. yummy!! i love trying different kind of experience kan!=)

  3. Azuwan & Roxy;

    Jom serang rumah Dr Ahmed this weekend ni

  4. I would love to try Dr Ahmed's dishes. Dr please invite us to your house...

  5. Yes I agree with you, it looks very yummy.
    Hope your friend has a blog or something so I can ask him to prepare Nigerian food.

    Good article. I will follow your blog by signing in and stumble upon you.

    Take care and happy Blogging !



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